Invented Alchemy
Invented Alchemy is a body of work informed by my experiences of individual healing in the face of collective loss. Painting is a soothing meditation for me and it creates a personal healing space as I ruminate on melting glaciers, burning rainforests, plastics found in the bellies of beached whales, and refugees being imprisoned or drowning out at sea.
Painting transforms my energy. It is seeing a rainbow or meteor shower. It is studying a ladybug, a hummingbird, or finding a fossil. It is the fact that plants communicate with each other. It is the feeling that we are small and insignificant, but the comfort of knowing that we are not alone. It is the idea that the universe is expanding, yet as we know, there is one planet that sustains life. These moments enhance my life and keep me present.
celestial shadow serpent, 2019, gouache and watercolor on paper
a vessel in all forms, 2019, gouache and watercolor on paper
containers for rainbows, 2019, gouache, colored pencil, watercolor on wood
sweet, poisonous, bitter, wholesome, 2019, gouache, colored pencil, watercolor on wood